Jan 25, 2012

Krakauer's attitude toward McCandless #5

" Indeed, he delighted in ridiculing the policies of the Democratic Party and was a vocal admirer of Ronald Reagan. At Emory he went so far as to co-found a college Republican Club. Chris's seemingly anomalous political positions were perhaps best summed up by Thoreau's declaration in "Civil Disobedience" : "I heartily accept the motto- 'That government is best which governs least.'" Beyond that his views were not easily characterized."
                                                                          -Into The Wild by Jon Krakauer, page 122

1 comment:

  1. McCandless had very many dislikes about how everything is in the world. and he was always thinking to himself, or telling others how much better the world would be if the people had thought differently, and if the people were more free. Because of that, he was very good at speaking for himself, and expressing his emotions, thoughts, and opinions. Krakauer thought of him as someone that can be a leader, because of those actions that McCandless took. The quote says "That government is best which governs least" and that McCandless agree with that saying, which means that McCandless believed in people being able to live better without any governors. and because he spoke up about that, Krakauer thought of him as even more daring, and out speaking.
