Jan 25, 2012

Society's attitude toward McCandless #1

" These are what Alex used to drink," says Westerberg with a frown, swirling the ice in his White Russian. "He used to sit right there at the end of the bar and tell us these amazing stories of his travels. He could talk for hours. A lot of folks here in town got pretty attached to old Alex. Kind of a strange deal what happened to him."
                                                                           -Into The Wild by Jon Krakauer, page 16

1 comment:

  1. Since McCandless was always outside, experiencing something new, and traveling, he had a lot of stories of the things that he has done, and the experiences that he has went through. He loved to talk to people,and tell them all the things that he knew, and that amazed the society. The society thought of McCandless as someone who is very unique, and who they can always sit down, and talk with. Unlike how McCandless' co-workers treated him, the society outside of his work always wanted McCandless to be with them, and listen to his amazing stories of life. just like what the quote says, people were easy to get attached to McCandless.
