Jan 25, 2012

Society's attitudes toward McCandless #4

" I don't think he ever hung out with any of the employees after work or anything. When he talked, he was always going on about trees and nature and weird stuff like that. we all thought he was missing a few screws."
                                                                           -Into The Wild by Jon Krakauer, page 40

1 comment:

  1. It is very obvious that almost everyone McCandless has encountered with had at least a little bit of thought that said that McCandless is very different from others, and that he might be a little bit mentally challenged in some ways. Especially McCandless' co-workers. Of course McCandless was probably sick of those workers that followed rule exactly, and acted like robots. However, in the workers' perspective, it was worse. They treated him as if he was not normal, which he was not, and as if he was mentally ill, which he could have been, but the novel says that he is not. They never even thought of hanging out with him after work, and none of the co-workers, or the boss thought of him as more than someone that they work with.
