Jan 25, 2012

McCandless' attitude toward a flawed society #2

"No, I want to hitch north. Flying would be cheating. It would wreck the whole trip."
                                                                        -Into The Wild by Jon Krakauer, page 61

1 comment:

  1. When having to go somewhere far, a normal person would want to take the plane if they have enough money for it, and get there comfortably, and fast. However, that is one of the things that McCandless dislike about the society. He believes that people always want the easy way, when there is a way in which they can actually go through a lot of experiences,observe the world, and learn from their observations. He wants the society to understand what it is like to live like him, and what it is like to live with nature,and actually experience the things that they would have to go through without the easy way. McCandless understands that the society should do what they are able to do. For example, he believes that if a person is disabled, it is okay for him or her to do what they can, and take the plane. however, if the person is perfectly normal, he believes that the person needs to get the least help that they need in order to achieve what they want. McCandless does not want the society to rely on anything when they do not have to.
