Jan 26, 2012

D. Topic: Point of View - Literary Analysis to Universal Question

1. What is Krakauer's attempting to accomplish using multiple points of view when describing McCandless?
2. What is Krakauer's purpose for using other literary sources at the beginning of each chapter?
3. How might biases and points of view render differing accounts of another person or event?


  1. 1. When describing McCandless, Krakauer uses multiple points of views like himself, McCandless' friends, family, co-workersm and the people that did not acutally know McCandless. That is to show McCandless' change over time, and the different ways that people can view McCandless since he has a unique, and unusual characteristics. Some people describe him a mentally challenged or "missing a few screws.." and some people say that he is very intelligent. Krakauer wants to show how different a person like McCandless can be viewed through society.

  2. 2. Krakauer has different literary sources at the beginning of every single chapters. That is to give an idea, or perhaps to compare the similarities that those chapters' ideas, tones, themes, and the events that happen in those chapters with the short literary sources. As the chapters are being read, the attempts of krakauer trying to get the readers to relate the literary sources with the chapter can be seen.

  3. 3. biases and points of view always have effects on people and events. for example, if someone is bias towards a person, like how McCandless' co-workers thought that he was missing a few screws while McCandless is actually perfectly normal, and it is just that he thinks at a different level from other people. It was just that McCandless was wanting to do things his way, instead of being stuck in following the rules like other workers, but they did not understand him, and thought that McCandless was mentally ill. That had an affect on McCandless, because if they had not treated him like how they did, McCandless could have stayed and worked for them for a little longer.

  4. 1. I think that is Krakauer's job. He is a journalist and in order to reconstruct McCandless's story, after he is dead, that's really all he has are other peoples' points of view. As an author, Krakauer is like a detective and all he really has to go on are the bits of evidence he finds, which naturally come from various sources.
    What Krakauer does well, however, is connect those various opinions of Chris McCandless and create a detailed and multi-faceted, yet cohesive picture of his subject.

    P.S. I'm a high school teacher, teaching Into the Wild as part of a project on surivival and naturalism. Thanks for your blog!
